View Profile Special-K0913x

35 Movie Reviews

9 w/ Responses

Pretty Groovey

Spider-Man is would make a badass ninja. I found this really entertaining. It was well drawn, the music (although repetitive) fit well in my opinion, and the animation was smooth. Decent backgrounds as well. Kudos, man.

Give yourself a little pat on the back.

I feel like I actually learned something watching this. I'd have given you a ten if you drew something less gay but seriously it was entertaining and educational and a good drawing. Beyond that there isn't much to say but good job.

Not bad

Good frame by frame animation. Not much story but it was still entertaining.

dot-industries responds:

Yeah, I'm trying to work on that, thanks.


reminds me of Onimusha 2. Good atmosphere and smooth animation. I hope to see the finished movie.

Xionico responds:

o.o, well ive never really played that game O.รณ...yet o.o, thank for ur review xD

Great Tutorial

This was both entertaining and educational. I was impressed. I'd like to know where you got the intro audio though. It's awesome. You should start a series of action tutorials. Personally I'd like to see "camera angle" techniques, blurring, and blood sprays. Anyway, great work!

TeknoGames responds:

ooo blood sprays yea, Im reall good at those


I've been around for a little while now and I could tell you things about being bullied, and to be honest I'm sure we've all been down that road at some point but life goes on. Chances are you've picked on people, yourself. Society's not perfect. People are flawed. There's no utopia and there probably never will be. I'm sorry if you're a victim of social injustice but you'll get over it so hang in there.

Frank-Uselesschris responds:

agen thnx u for ur concern but im no affected in that way i dont let people get to me

This makes poop look good...

Hey man I know where you're coming from. I submitted a short video edit myself, dubbed it with some sounds and even put an animation over it (a sick one at that) and it got blammed after being flagged for review. But I didn't go bitching about how knox got away with it. He's just more entertaining. It's not that big a deal. Grow up and accept that your little skate movies don't impress anyone.

Masta-GrassHoppa responds:

i fucking dont care if they impress NOBODY. all i care is the way its treated. go ahead everyone not care about them. i dont fucking care.

Genryu's Blade anyone?

It was good but I felt like I was watching a ripoff of Genryu's Blade. I liked the 3d but poser exports directly to flash so it's not like you modeled them yourself. The fight scenes were cool and I liked how you moved the camera like Cowboy Bebop when the two men fought. Decent flash.

NuttyBanana responds:

why does 'poser experts straight to flash' mean that nothing was modelled?


Enough said

Excellent! You get a full review.

Alright y'all, let's break it down.

Graphics- 0. What do you expect, it's a f*cking sprite movie. C'mon. As far as sprite movies go I liked it. It was smooth and the sprites actually fit into the surroundings.

Style- 9. This is one of the most unique movies I've seen. From the plot to the sweet oldschool text at the bottom of the screen this flash screamed style *bends wrist all gay-like* One might even say it was "stylish".

Sound- 10. Gotta love that Kill Bill bg music. "Parte Prima" (aka The Grand Duel) sounded great even compressed. Well done.

Violence- 10. I'm not sure what's more violent, killing a chicken, or raping it's corpse. Either way you get my 10 (you sick, sick, bastard.)

Interactivity- 1. It's a movie... Nice menu. You *did* disable the controls when your right click though.

Humor- 9. This was hilarious. Most of the humor is sexually orientated (chicken lovin' and gay Mario jokes) which is good if not a little immature but the guy-on-the-roof scene was awesome.

Overall - 9
If I were the folks who ran Newgrounds this would make front page, but they're too busy putting up "great flashes" like "Banana Phone" and "Get Down Gollum". Where's this world headed? Anywho ... well animated, smooth, stylish, good sound, humor, and pixelated violence. This rivals Rise of The Mushroom kingdom as one of the greatest sprite flashes. I await the sequel.

-Special K

Ken @Special-K0913x

Age 37, Male

Haha ...Between Jobs

Haha... Between Schools


Joined on 12/1/03

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